The Chancellor of the University of Venda (UNIVEN), Adv Mojanku Gumbi conferred over 750 certificates, diplomas, and degrees. Of the overall total of graduates, 56,48% were females while 43,52% were males. In this 2024 Spring Graduation, 50 received their honours while 78 graduates received their masters degrees and 33 received their PhDs. All these were honoured for their academic excellence during UNIVEN 2024 Spring Graduation Ceremonies that took place at the University Auditorium on Friday, 06 September 2024. The graduates were from the four faculties of the University of Venda.

PhDs recipients from the following Faculties: Health Sciences; Management, Commerce and Law; as well as Humanities,
Social Sciences and Education
Other highlights of these graduation ceremonies which are also history in the making, the University of Venda conferred a Doctoral Degree in Nursing to a 74-year-old woman, Dr Princess Annesheilah Makhado, defying age barriers. This included Dr Jobodwanna Nomna Linda (71), who received a Doctoral Degree in Sociology and Mr Ntevheleni Justice Thovhogi who graduated Master of Environmental Sciences at the age of 75. These remarkable achievements, serve as an inspiring testament to lifelong learning and determination, breaking conventional stereotypes about age limitations in academia.
The Chancellor of the University, Adv Mojanku Gumbi, in her congratulatory message briefly shared a sad story of two women who were shot and killed by a white farmer because they are poor. She explained that a single mother of four Mariah Makgato, 47 and 34-year-old Zimbabwean national, Lucia Ndlovu were shot dead and thrown into pigsty while collecting expired food from a farm in Limpopo.
She told graduates to never cross the line where they deny other people peace and freedom. Adv Gumbi said “Never forget where you are coming from and that you are a human being. Do not ever forget your humanity.” As we are celebrating Heritage month, she chose to celebrate with the people of Ethiopia and Ghana who refused to be colonised by the Italians and the British. She indicated that at some stage as Africans, we were never colonised but conquerors. She maintained that today we should also honour these two women who were leading the march to deny Italians to colonise them. In addition, she told the graduates and said “As you go out there, whatever the temptations might be, remember that you come from great people. These people need your assistance and your wisdom to survive. “As we celebrate, let us remember who we are and let us never forget that there are challenges lying ahead of us,” she concluded.
Talking of growing your own timber, the Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the University of Ven-da, Prof Bernard Nthambeleni in his welcome remarks expressed that during this spring gradua-tion, amongst 33 PhDs that were conferred, 11 of them were awarded to UNIVEN staff members. This included Dr Maanda Hadzhi Ligavha-Mbelengwa, Senior Lecturer, Biological Sciences who has acquired over 37 years of service in the University. He expressed pride as he highlighted the achievement of one of UNIVEN staff, Dr Khethiwe Madima who received a PhD (Criminal Justice). Dr Madima is the first candidate to obtain a PhD in the indelible history of the School of Law, and the University of Venda, South Africa.
Amongst those who crossed the stage, under the Faculty of Management, Commerce and Law, was the MEC of Social Development in Limpopo Province, Mrs Florence Radzilani who graduated Master of Public Management (MPM).
In his remarks, Prof Nthambeleni took a moment and expressed his heartfelt condolences to Nkon-do’s family for the loss of the third Vice-Chancellor and Principal of the University of Venda, Prof Gessler Muxe Nkondo who sadly passed away on Sunday, 18 August 2024.
On another sad note, Prof Nthambeleni informed the guests about the passing away of former Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University, Prof Dovhani Reckson Thakhathi who departed on Friday, 30 August 2024.
As he continued, Prof Nthambeleni shared University success stories that included creation of two research niche areas: (1) African Heritage and Indigenous Knowledge Systems and (2) One Health. These specialised areas aim to promote critical and innovative research that can catalyse devel-opment at local, national, and regional levels. They embody UNIVEN’s dedication to addressing pressing societal challenges through research and innovation.
Some of the success stories included the launch of the UNIVEN Centre for Entrepreneurship and Rapid Incubation (UCfERI) in 2023; and establishment of the Green Technology Confucius Institute (GTCI).
In terms of implementation of funding initiatives to assist deserving postgraduate and undergrad-uate students, Prof Nthambeleni made a call to UNIVEN alumni to be part of this initiative.
Prof Nthambeleni commended the UNIVEN Chancellor, Adv Mojanku Gumbi who consistently demonstrated her commitment to support financially needy students who are struggling to pay for their fees. As a result, the Chancellor has requested the University to compile a list of students who owe up to R60 000 so that she could assist in settling their outstanding debts. As part of our country’s celebration of 30 years of democracy, she donated 180 sneakers to female graduates during our 2024 Autumn graduation. Over and above that, in this Spring graduation, she has do-nated 30 sneakers to our female graduates. “Let me express my appreciation to the Chancellor for her generous support,” said Prof Nthambeleni.
He finally cherished and thanked the continued support from parents, guardians, sponsors facul-ties, academic and support departments as well as staff.
He encouraged graduates to keep their torch hope burning.

Faculty of Science, Engineering and Agriculture PhDs recipients

Procession poses for a photo with the Chancellor (front row, 7th from left)
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University of Venda
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