Crucial documentation to be included in submission

  • Completed Research Ethics Protocol Application (R7/R7a)
  • Proof of Registration (Current year of application)
  • Proposal endorsed by Schools Higher Degrees Committee (SHDC)
  • Participant information letter(s)
  • Participant consent form(s)
  • Data collection tool e.g. questionnaire (if applicable)
  • Interview guide/schedule i.e. the list of questions to be asked (if applicable)
  • Letters from researcher to respective gatekeepers asking permission to conduct research
  • Copy of advertisements to be used (if applicable)
  1. The Research Ethics Protocol Application (R7 / R7a)
  • Latest version of UNIVEN website?
  • All signatures present – student, supervisor, and school/department?


Research methodology:

  • Research population and sample to be clearly explained
  • Inclusion and exclusion criteria to be clearly stated
  • Recruitment process to be clearly explained; how will potential participants be approached to participate
  • Process of obtaining informed consent to be clearly described
  • Sampling method/technique to be clearly stated
  • Data collection procedure to be clearly explained – include (if applicable) the dissemination and retrieval of questionnaires, and the application of measurement tools to collect data
  • Interviews: specify time required for the interview, state duration of interview and advice regarding venue
  • Provide a detailed explanation of what will be required of recruited participants
  • Describe who the gatekeepers are and how permission from such gatekeepers will be obtained
  • Describe how participant’s identity will be protected; explain the way in which confidentiality and/or anonymity will be ensured
  • Incentives (if any) to be declared in the methodology

Ethics checklist

  • Every question answered either, yes/ no/n.a?
  • Comments provided where needed – questions read carefully and answered fully?
  • Signed by researcher and supervisor?


  1. Participant information letter
  • The official UREC template used?

Items to be included:

  • Friendly greeting i.e. Dear research participant, thank you for showing interest in this study
  • Title of the study
  • Names and qualifications of researcher
  • Names and qualifications of supervisor
  • Brief introduction and purpose of the study
  • Outline of the procedures – where, when, how, who, what?
  • Risks, discomforts to participants – if none state so
  • Benefits (to participant and researcher) – if any
  • Reasons why participant may be withdrawn or may withdraw themselves from the study
  • Remuneration of participants (if any) if none state so.
  • Costs of the study to the participant (if any) if none state so
  • Confidentiality – how will it be maintained/ensured – if responses are anonymous then say so and how
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