It was during the month of January 2020 when the World Health Organisation (WHO), China country office flagged the discovery of a virus, known as the Novel Coronavirus. This virus can spread from animals to human beings. Coronavirus is very contagious and spread from one infected person to another through coughing and sneezing, including close personal contact. The infected person presents cold like symptoms (symptoms like those of influenza or flu) and respiratory tract illnesses. Coronavirus has since spread at a high pace globally.
Since the emergence of Coronavirus in China, South Africa has never experienced any case of Coronavirus. However, the University of Venda (UNIVEN) encourages members of the University Community who are experiencing similar symptoms and those who are suspecting that they might be infected to visit the Campus Health Clinic for screening or checkup via CT scans.

Picture of Coronavirus seen from a scanning electron microscope.
Image: 123RF/lightwise
Signs and Symptoms of CoronaVirus
- • Fever, sore throat
- • Coughing and sneezing
- • Difficulty in breathing
- • Runny nose and headache
- • General feeling of malaise
People who are most at risk
- • Those with weak immune system
- • The elderly and young people
- • People who are crossing borders/visiting countries with outbreaks
- • People who are working at Harbors, airports and borders between countries
- • A close physical contact with a confirmed patient who has coronavirus
- • Healthcare workers who have been exposed to patients with severe acute respiratory infections
- • Touching contaminated objects and not washing hands.
Issued by:
Department of Communications & Marketing
University of Venda
Tel: (015) 962 8525
Date: 25 February 2020