Voices Unite is a ground-breaking student engagement platform and national research study focusing on young people in South Africa. It is a project of “In On Africa (IOA) Proprietary Limited”. Voices Unite was initiated in response to the need for youth to become more empowered in decision-making for a better tomorrow. Recently the Community Engagement Directorate hosted delegates from Voice Unite at the Research Conference Centre.

Mr Jonathan Mundell, CEO of In On Africa presenting The Voices Unite Platform
The Voices Unite team was led by the CEO of In On Africa who visited the University of Venda to introduce the project to students. The Voices Unite is a digital platform for young people to share their views and ideas about priority topics that could influence policy and decision-making at institutional, cooperate, non-profit and governmental levels. The platform would be the largest youth-focused digital research survey targeting youth from ages 18-34. The collaboration will allow universities to have access to student’s perceptions and views that could influence decision making. It is anticipated that the platform will address key challenges faced by youth such as unemployment, state of education and social issues and bringing transformation.
The presentation was followed by interactive session with students. Students shared their views on the presentation and the Voices Unite initiative, while facilitating decision to evidence-based interventions and ensure that students converse their needs better.

Prof Vhonani Netshandama, Director Community Engagement facilitating discussion with students

Miss A Somthi, SRC Minister of Finance engaging in the discussions
The platform is set to reach 2+ million post-school students including a minimum sub-sample of 1000 unemployed youth.

Ms Nobuhle Hlangoti (Head of Voices Unite) and Ms Elizabeth Chinanga (Head of Partnership) helping students to sign up to the platform
Ms Nobuhle Hlangoti (Head of Voices Unite) and Ms Elizabeth Chinanga (Head of Partnership) co-presented using Mentimeter digital platform that enable creation of presentation and have audience engagement. Students shared their views on different issues amongst others black tax, financial management, #Fees_must_fall movement, unemployment. Students were encouraged to actively participate in dialogues through menti-meter. They were assured that sensitive information will be protected.

Group photo for all the participants
Students showed excitement about the initiative. Negotiations were followed on a later date by the signing of an MoU between UNIVEN and In On Africa United (IOA).
Students were encouraged to participate by signing up for the Voices Unite platform at http://voicesunite.co.za. Communications and updates can also be followed on the Voices Unite social media; Facebook at @unifyingyouth, Instagram@voicesuniteioa and Twitter@uniting_youth.
Issued by: Department of Communications & Marketing
University of Venda
Tel: (015) 962 8525
Date: 21 May 2020