Prof Ipfani David Isaiah Ramaite is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry
Prof Ipfani David Isaiah Ramaite is an Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry. He has worked for over 25 years in the higher education sector, lecturing undergraduate students in general, industrial and organic chemistry courses/modules. He is also involved in lecturing advanced organic chemistry to honours students. He specializes in synthetic organic and natural products chemistry research in search for new scaffolds for the treatment of TB, malaria and diabetes. He also conducts research in green chemistry and is working on projects for the valorisation of waste organic materials. He has supervised more than 20 honours projects, 8 masters and 1 Phd student to completion. He has served in NRF review panels and has been the HOD of chemistry and Science Foundation. He is currently supervising three honours, 5 masters and two PhD students research projects. He has published extensively in peer-reviewed and accredited journals. His research findings have been presented at local and international conferences.
Among his recent publications are:
- Dorcas B Tlhapi, Isaiah D.I Ramaite, Teunis van Ree, Chinedu P Anokwuru, Taglialatela S Orazio and Heinrich C Hoppe, Isolation, Chemical Profile and Antimalarial activities of bioactive compounds, Molecules 2019, 24, 39; doi: 10.3390/molecules240100039
- Dorcas B. Tlhapi , Isaiah D. I. Ramaite, Chinedu P. Anokwuru, Teunis van Ree and Heinrich C. Hoppe, In Vitro Studies on Antioxidant and Anti-Parasitic Activities of Compounds Isolated from Rauvolfia caffra Sond, Molecules 2020, 25, 3781; doi:10.3390/molecules25173781
- Chinedu P Anokwuru, Sidonie Tankeu, Sandy van Vuuren, Alvaro Viljoen, Isaiah D. I Ramaite, Orazio Taglialatela-Scafati and Sandra Combrinck, Unravelling the Antibacterial Activity of Terminalia sericea Root Bark through a Metabolomic Approach, Molecules 2020, 25, 3683; doi:10.3390/molecules25163683
- Allen T. Gordon, Isaiah D.I. Ramaite, and Simon.S. Mnyakeni-Moleele, Synthesis and biological evaluation of chromone-3-carboxamides, Arkivoc 2020, part v, 148-160; doi.org/10.24820/ark.5550190.p011.356
- Ndivhuwo R. Tshiluka, Mpelegeng V. Bvumbi, Isaiah I. Ramaite, and Simon S. Mnyakeni-Moleele, Synthesis of some new 5-arylidene-2,4-thiazolidinedione esters, Arkivoc, 2020, v. 161-175, org/10.1016/ j.jare.2020.01.008
- Dorcas B. Tlhapi , Isaiah D. I. Ramaite and Chinedu P. Anokwuru. Metabolomic Profiling and Antioxidant Activities of Breonadia Salicina Using1H-NMR and UPLC-QTOF-MS Analysis, Molecules 2021, 26, 6707. https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules26216707
Full list of publications: