Ms. Masia Tirhani Asnath is a Lecturer in the Department of Nutrition in the Faculty of Health Sciences. She has worked for over ten years in the higher education sector. She specializes in Maternal and Child Health, Infant Feeding and Food Safety. She has published in peer-reviewed and accredited journals. Among her recent publications is Masia, T.A., Mushaphi, L.F., Mabapa, N.S. and Mbhenyane, X.G., 2020. Nutrition knowledge and care practices of home-based caregivers in Vhembe District, South Africa. African Health Sciences20(2), pp.912-922. She has supervised several undergraduate and master research projects. Masia is one of ten academics that enrolled for the University Staff Development Programme (USDP). Forming part of the University Capacity Development Programme (UCDP), this initiative, among others, seeks to transform academic expertise in the field of global health.

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Department of Nutrition –

University of Venda (Univen) –



Full name: Masia Tirhani Asnath
Designation: Lecturer
Department of Nutrition
Qualifications: BSc. (Nutrition) (UNIVEN), MSc. (Public Nutrition) (UNIVEN), Postgraduate Diploma in Health Professional Education (UCT), Postgraduate Program in Pediatric Nutrition (University of Boston, USA)
Email address:
Office No: office 176-School of Maths Building

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