Access your academic record

Access your academic record

The University of Venda Management has realised that printing of academic records to more than 12 000 students is time consuming and costly. Therefore, the University took a decision to create a link for all students, funded or not, to view their results whilst still...
Instructions on how to access Library Legal Info Database

Instructions on how to access Library Legal Info Database

Instructions on how to access Legal Info  Click on the ‘Legal info’ link from the list of Legal Databases To access full-text content you will need to first create a personal account by clicking on the ‘Free Trial’ option at the top right side of the website. This...
Research Ethical Clearance Applications

Research Ethical Clearance Applications

Kindly note the following regarding Research Ethical Clearance Applications. Revised Process flow of the Research Ethics Clearance application is as follows: Submissions and Presentation of the project proposal at the Departmental and Faculty colloquium/meeting to...
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