The University of Venda acknowledged that through learning and lessons learned, its envisaged dream of being an impactful, influential, productive, efficient and effective Institution stays alive. Learning allows for reflection on what has worked and what has not and provides an opportunity to refine the strategy and approach of the project to achieve or improve results.

Executive and Senior Management posing for a photo at Ingwenyama Conference and Sport Resort
It is for this reason that members of the University of Venda Executive (EMC) and Senior Management (SMC) went to a three-day learning and reflection expedition at Ingwenyama Conference and Sport Resort, White River in Mpumalanga. The first day, February 08 was meant for Executive Management Committee strategic engagements followed by Thursday, 09 and Friday 10 February wherein the University of Venda Executive and Senior Management Committees took part in an inclusive 2022 Performance Feedback and 2023 Strategic Planning.

Vice-Chancellor and Principal – Dr Bernard Nthambeleni
When setting the scene, Vice-Chancellor and Principal, Dr Bernard Nthambeleni welcomed the new senior managers who joined the University recently and told them that they have made the right choices by joining UNIVEN. Amongst other factors that he presented on, Dr Nthambeleni highlighted a brief overview of UNIVEN Strategic Plan 2025. He further spoke about protecting the image of the institution; positioning the UNIVEN for impact; UNIVEN Service Delivery Model; UNIVEN Performance Reviews in context; Strategic Plan Implementation in the context of University service delivery mandate. Dr Nthambeleni mentioned that there has to be consequences for those who conduct illegal dealings and those who take bribes for certain favours in exchange for the University’s services.
In his remarks, the Vice-Chancellor and Principal emphasised that the need for the University of Venda core business identity cannot be delayed further, and it should be a driver of University’s future investments and programmes mix. He challenged both EMC and SMC members to work hard to produce concrete and sustainable niche areas that would make the University known for and be proud of. He concluded his talk by telling senior managers that they need to identify something that distinguishes the University of Venda from other universities.
During the workshop, University divisional heads presented their divisional plans focusing on the reflections of division/directorate achievements based on the 2022 Annual Performance Plan’s Strategic Objectives or their footprint of the work of their divisions in the 2022 academic year. Divisional heads further presented and discussed high-level activities in the Operational Plans for 2023 in support of the 2023 Annual Performance Plan; Challenges and mitigations linked to Annual Performance Plan and operational Plans indicators including key risk and audit issues.

Attendees on the second day of the workshop
On the second day of the workshop, the Vice-Chancellor’s Operational Plan; Strategic Risk Register; Performance Agreements/Contracting and a Template for EMC and SMC Assessment were presented and discussed for finalisation.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor Corporate Services – Dr Robert Martin
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Corporate Services, Dr Robert Martin gave guidelines, aims and expected outputs of the sessions.

Director Internal Audit and Risk – Mrs Diana Makwarela
Director Internal Audit and Risk, Mrs Diana Makwarela gave a reflection on the management of Internal Audit and readiness for 2023. In her reflection, Mrs Makwarela listed directorates that will be audited in 2023.

Risk Officer – Mr Tinyiko Sibiya
Risk Officer, Mr Tinyiko Sibiya spoke about the 2022 Risk Monitoring and gave the strategic risks monitoring results. Mr Sibiya outlined risk statements of focus. He also outlined the factors affecting risk ratings. Amongst other things, he spoke about Risk ratings versus Performance; Sample of 2022 whistleblowing reports received; Strategic Risk Monitoring Challenge; Whistleblowing reports and Proposed Solutions. He also highlighted some of the 2023 operational risk reviews outstanding. Mr Tinyiko Sibiya concluded on day two of the workshop by presenting about Monitoring of Risks.

Director Institutional Planning and Quality Assurance – Dr Sannah Mativandlela
Director Institutional Planning and Quality Assurance, Dr Sannah Mativandlela gave the Performance Feedback where she objectively spoke about: Cumulative Performance Outlook, Current Challenges and Recommendations.

Mrs Mavis Madzhie

Mrs Beauty Mutheiwana
Mrs Madzhie and Mrs Mutheiwana’s presentations were based on the reflection of the 2023 Institutional Planning and Budget Alignment.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Postgraduate Studies – Prof Nosisi Feza
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research and Postgraduate Studies, Prof Nosisi Feza presented the post approval updates on the Research and Postgraduate Divisional Operational Plan.

Deputy Vice-Chancellor Teaching and Learning – Prof Jan Crafford
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Teaching and Learning, Prof Jan Crafford presented about the Post Approval Updates on the Academic Divisional Operational Plan.

University Registrar – Adv Edward Lambani
University Registrar, Adv Edward Lambani presented about the 2022 Registrar’s Divisional Feedback and the Registrar’s Divisional Operational Plan for 2023.

Director Human Resources – Uanda Ndou
Director Human Resources, Uanda Ndou presented about the 2023 HR Operational Plan.

Director Marketing, Branding and Communication – Dr Takalani Dzaga
Dr TV Dzaga presented about the Marketing, Branding and Communication 2023 Operational Plan.

Director Protection Services Department – Mr Ratshilumela Mulaudzi
Director Protection Services Department, Mr Ratshilumela Mulaudzi presented on the plans to secure campus and protect staff and students in 2023.

Director Facilities Management Department – Mr Aluwani Magadani
Director Facilities Management Department, Mr Aluwani Magadani presented about the Facilities Management Operational Plan for the year 2023.

Chief Financial Officer – Mr Botwe Kraziya
Chief Financial Officer, Mr Botwe Kraziya presented the 2023 Finance Divisional Operational Plan including post approval updates on the divisional operational plan.

Director Strategy and Monitoring – Dr Mutshinyalo Ratombo
On the second day of the Strategic Planning Workshop, Director Strategy and Monitoring, Dr Mutshinyalo Ratombo presented about the approved UNIVEN integrated Planning, Budgeting, Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting (PBME and R) Framework; Performance Information Management System (PIMS); 2022 Annual Reporting Process. Dr Ratombo concluded by outlining the 2022 Annual Report Project Plan and the 2023 University reporting readiness.
In his way forward and closure on the last day of the workshop, Dr Nthambeleni told senior managers that he is pleased to see that we are beginning building a high-performing institution. He encouraged senior managers to work together to find energy solutions during loadshedding because diesel to keep generators on during loadshedding is becoming too expensive. We need to find alternatives for affordable energy supply. He said the University Faculties Management and the support departments need to be integrated. “We need to work together as one to find solutions to the current challenges that the University is faced with.” He further encouraged senior and executive managers to continue working hard to make UNIVEN a world-class brand. He ended by highlighting the importance of communication among staff members.
Issued by:
Department of Marketing, Branding & Communication
University of Venda
Tel: (015) 962 8525 /8710
Date: 13 February 2023