Services and Facilities
UNIVEN LibraryServices and Facilities
Loans / Circulation
Loan periods – Open Shelves
User Category | Number of items | Loan Days |
Undergraduates | 3 | 7 |
Postgraduates | 6 | 30 |
Academic Staff | 20 | 90 |
Administrative staff | 12 | 30 |
Service Staff | 12 | 30 |
External members | 3 | 14 |
Short Loans/ Reserve
All categories of borrowers are entitled to 1 item at a time for two hours, overnight or over weekend.
Law Library
Law Library short loans – All categories of borrowers are entitled to 1 item at a time for two hours, overnight and over weekend.
Law Library open shelves – Students and staff may borrow 2 items overnight or over weekend.

Photocopying services for students
Photocopying services are available at 50c per page. A photocopying card can be bought for R10.00 and money deposited on the loading machine opposite cashiers at the Finance Department. The card is then used on the card readers attached to photocopying machines when making copies.
Photocopying services for staff
Photocopying services for staff are available free of charge at the Periodicals section. The following regulations apply:
- Multiple copies are not allowed
- Only reference books, material from Special Collections, Periodicals and Law i.e. material that is for use inside the Library only, may be photocopied.
NB. Please adhere to the SA Copyright Act 98 0f 1978 when you make copies.
Inter-Library Loans
The inter-library loans service may be used when the required material is not available from the UNIVEN Library. It is a service based on the premise that no Library can meet all the information needs of all staff and students
Who may use the Inter Library Loans Service
The service is available for use by staff and post graduate students.
What are the costs
There is no charge
How to submit an Inter Library Loan request
Before submitting a request for items please check if the item is available in our library from the following:
Printed request forms
Forms are available from the Inter Library Loans office
Online forms
Chapter of a book
Journal Article
Thesis or Dissertation
For more information please contact:
Pascallis Tlakula (Circulation Librarian)
Tel: 015- 962 8558
Ordering of Material
Publisher’s catalogues are sent to departmental heads on a regular basis. Lecturers may consult the catalogues in the office of their department heads. Staff will be advised when the material they have ordered has been ordered/ received, cancelled or out of print. Upon receipt of notification that ordered material has been received, staff may request the cataloguing staff to process items needed urgently.
To avoid frustration, it is imperative that orders be placed long before the material is needed for lectures: ± 3 months in advance for South African published material and ± 6 months for overseas material.
Information Services
Information searches
Assistance with the identification of books and other information sources that you can use in teaching and research
Training in the use of information sources such as electronic databases
Any other Library related matter.