Directorate of Community Engagement Entrepreneurship Inclusive Innovation and Commercialization (DCEEIIC)

Welcome To Directorate of Community Engagement Entrepreneurship Inclusive Innovation and Commercialization 

About Us

Prof Vhonani Olive Netshandama, Director: Directorate of Community Engagement Entrepreneurship Inclusive Innovation and Commercialization


In the beginning of 2009, The University of Venda created a directorate on Community Engagement (CE). Through the directorate, Univen seeks to ensure that a qualitative, symbiotic and reciprocal relationship exists between itself and its community stakeholders – a relationship of mutual benefit. It is the intention of Univen to excel in Community Engagement programmes that is both scholarship-based and community oriented, embedded in the academic work of the institution.


The directorate’s vision is to create a thriving ecosystem where community engagement fuels open and inclusive innovation, empowers sustainable ventures that transform lives and drives development in the Limpopo province and beyond.


The mission of the DCEEIIC is to serve as a catalyst for positive societal, economic, and environmental impact. Furthermore, to nurture a thriving Entrepreneurial and Open Innovation Ecosystem through a blend of Project organized learning, Engaged research, Participatory Monitoring Evaluation, Design thinking, Redress, Open and Inclusive Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Social Responsibility, Technology Transfer, and Inclusive Commercialization Initiatives.


The following values influence CE programmes at Univen

  • Vhuthu/Botho/Vumuhnu/Ubuntu
  • People orientation: We listen to people and interact with communities so that teaching and learning and research programmes at UNIVEN has the community voice in them.
  • Interdisciplinary, Multidisciplinary and Trans-disciplinary Collaboration: We endeavour to support all interdisciplinary collaboration that is geared towards addressing shared challenges with communities
  • Authenticity, Responsibility and Accountability: We strive for honesty, responsibility and accountability for public good.
  • Truthfulness and trustworthiness: We commit ourselves to cultivate community informed, credible, reliable and trustworthy research and learning programmes.
  • Sharing: We share with the public, the knowledge, the challenges and the resources were possible towards public good.
  • Inclusivity: We embrace contributions from students, academic support and service staff towards public good. We embrace community engagement philosophies in teaching and learning, Research and Social responsibility programmes of the University.

CE Strategic goals

Recognising that planning, implementation, coordination and management of CE activities appropriately rest with the schools and centres through individual staff members, Deans and Heads of Departments, the directorate Community Engagement provide support and coordination functions. CE directorate

  • Enhance the on and off-campus visibility of Entrepreneurship, Open and Inclusive Innovation, Technology Transfer and Commercialization.
  • Enhance the open and inclusive entrepreneurial-innovation ecosystem, as well as collaborate and partner with industries, communities, and government agencies.
  • Build the capacity of staff and students to advance the scholarship of community engagement (Entrepreneurship, Inclusive Innovation, Technology Transfer and Commercialisation skills and competencies – Transdisciplinary short learning programmes).
  • Facilitate the implementation of Entrepreneurship Education Strategy: Contribute to curriculum transformation through the integration of Entrepreneurship and frugal innovation principles into academic programs
  • Contribute to innovative ways of co-learning and teaching: Put more emphasis on models of learning and teaching that are congruent to entrepreneurial learning (Learning and teaching)
  • Create an enabling environment for the development and growth of aspiring Entrepreneurs and SMMEs (UCfERI, TTOs and Economic Activation Office).
  • Cultivate a Culture of Open, Inclusive Innovation,
  • Facilitate the Implementation of commercialization strategy: Identify, Support, and Promote Commercialization of Intellectual Property, Products, Processes, Research, Entrepreneurial, and Innovation ventures
  • Facilitate Technology Transfer and benefit-sharing principles
  • Develop a culture for evaluative thinking and review for Societal Impact
DCEEIIC Projects/Programmes
Vuwani Science Resource Centre

Water and Health in Limpopo (WHIL) and Water, Health Education and Development Inititatives (WHEAD)
Collaboration between Univen, University of Virginia and selected Communities in Vhembe District Municipality.

Prof Vhonani Olive Netshandama, Director: Directorate of Community Engagement Entrepreneurship Inclusive Innovation and Commercialization
Prof Vhonani Olive Netshandama, Director: Directorate of Community Engagement Entrepreneurship Inclusive Innovation and Commercialization
Professor Vhonani Olive Netshandama has over 15 years of experience as Director of Community Engagement at the University of Venda. She is a Participatory action researcher and action learner, immersed into lifelong learning principles.

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